Update: Tow truck driver cited after Peace Road crash in DeKalb sends one to hospital

DeKALB - A tow truck driver was cited for following another driver too closely after a three-vehicle crash that sent one person to the hospital Monday afternoon near Peace Road and Lincoln Highway.

The three-vehicle crash prompted portions of Peace Road near Pleasant Street and Lincoln Highway to be closed momentarily, according to DeKalb police. The roads, as of 4:40 p.m., are reopened for traffic.

“It’s not a fatality and no serious injuries, thankfully,” DeKalb Police Cmdr. Jason Leverton said late Monday afternoon.

DeKalb Police Sgt. Sonny Streit said Monday evening the crash occurred around 3:30 p.m. Monday afternoon involving a red car, a blue tow truck and a grey pick-up truck. Road blocks were set up shortly thereafter.

Streit said the driver in the red sedan was southbound in the 100 block of North Peace Road when a blue tow truck was following close behind her.

“Her vehicle was pushed to the northbound lane and the driver [of the grey pick-up truck] hit her head-on,” Streit said.

Initially, a truck was reported to be seen in a ditch, with a red car sustaining “heavy damage,” according to DeKalb County emergency scanner traffic. The car later was towed from the scene.

Police officials at the scene confirmed one of the drivers was taken to Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital, though the extent of their injuries was not immediately known. Streit later confirmed the driver of the red car sustained minor injuries from the crash.

“She’s going to be fine,” Streit said Monday evening. “They’re running some tests on her now.”

Brett Jackson, 29, of the 800 block of Woodlawn Drive, DeKalb, received a traffic citation for following the sedan driver too closely, though he was not arrested or charged with anything criminal, Streit said.

Streit said Monday evening he wanted to reiterate to the public to “keep proper distance between cars” when driving.

• This story was updated 9:30 p.m. Monday, July 12, 2021 to include additional information about the incident from DeKalb Police Department officials.

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