SANDWICH – The DeKalb County 4-H program will host its 4-H Fair for members to exhibit their animal projects.
The fair will be Aug. 4 through 6 at the Sandwich Fairgrounds, 1401 Suydam Road, Sandwich, according to a news release.
Admission to the fair is free and open to the public.
The fair features sheep, goat, dairy, rabbit and swine shows. A food stand is being operated by the 4-H Federation and local 4-H clubs.
The DeKalb County 4-H Foundation will hold an Adult Showmanship Contest at 5:30 p.m Aug. 5. Attendees can show in swine, goats, beef or sheep. Nominations will be accepted for $10. Nominees can buy their way out for $20. The 4-H Barnyard Olympics are being held after the contest.
The 4-H Blue Ribbon Auction begins at 1 p.m. Aug. 6. There will also be a showmanship sweepstakes. A catered lunch is being provided by the DeKalb County 4-H Livestock Auction Committee.
Early accommodation requests to participate in the fair are encouraged. To make a request, call 815-758-8194.