Performers of “God Bless America” during a talent exhibition at St. John's Church on July 23, 2023 in Creston included: (Back row) Roger Hintzsche, Carol Scheie, Charles Quitno, Roger Thuestad, Jim White, Pr. Carl Rasmussen, Chris Quitno. (Middle row) Lyle Headon, Paul Watson, Gavin Wilson, Lucas and Caleb Quitno, Stan Eden. (front row) Steven Latimer, Brian Quitno, John Paxton, Aiden and Colton White, Larry Howlett and Gary Mullis. (Photo provided by Marilyn Quitno)
CRESTON – An ice cream social and “Share the Talent Night” was held at St. John’s Church in Creson on July 23.
According to a news release, 31 people performed during the program with a variety of talents. Many performers were from the DeKalb area, organizers said.
The program concluded with men and boys singing a hymn and “God Bless America.”
Performers of Share the Talent Night at St. John's Church in Creston on July 23, 2023 included: (Back row) Roger Hintsche, Lyle Headon, Aaron Butler, Gavin Wilson, Lucas Guitno, Pr. Carl Rasmussen, Caleb Quitno, Stan Eden. (Middle row) Steve Latimer, Debbie Katzman, Larry Howlett, Paul and Marcia Watson, Marilyn Quitno, Lois Rohrer. (Front row) Pauline Cultra, Nancy Rasmussen, Bella Ramos, Colby Kleinschmidt, Aiden White, Gracia Watson and Gary Mullis. (Photo provided by Marilyn Quitno)