The guilty plea spares a little emotion from a drawn-out trial, but there will be victim impact statements at sentencing and then life in prison for the killer. Too many other Illinois towns have their own grim anniversaries.
We can’t entirely legislate consumer behavior, especially when the broader market involves interests far beyond one family looking to settle.
Opinion: Unless urgent action is taken, the Monarch butterfly in North America has a high probability of extinction in the next 60 years. Fortunately, local government officials are paying attention.
The latest report from the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability shows that spending on “core” state services in the governor’s proposed fiscal 2026 budget will be 9.1% less in real dollars than it was in fiscal 2000.
Senate Bill 2040 would expand the Illinois Commerce Commission’s power to regulate vehicle towing companies.
Rural towns in Illinois and elsewhere have many landmarks of bygone eras. Among them are the remnants of the Chautauqua movement, called the “most American thing in America” by Theodore Roosevelt.
Running a government means striking a balance between competing priorities. Leadership requires acknowledging mistakes, attempting amends and pursuing different solutions.
Oh, the things people will do for money. And television lets us watch them.
Opinion: Kishwaukee United Way is in its second year implementing a new initiative centered around helping individuals upgrade their lives from survival mode to a thriving future with the Digital Crossover program.