Duffy: Looking at the Bright Side of 2020

As we finally look forward to putting the year 2020 in our rearview mirror, let’s keep our sights on what’s ahead. This past year (especially the last nine months) has been one of uncertainty. There are not past experiences to look at when trying to deal with a pandemic that applies in today’s world. The “how to deal with a pandemic” manual is being drafted as we go. That manual definitely needs some edits but I’d like to take a more optimistic approach to what we learned from 2020 that will help us in 2021 and beyond.

  • We learned that businesses can quickly adjust to unprecedented times to offer additional services such as curbside pick-up, delivery, increased online presence, improved safety measures and even adjusting what they do to help the greater good in the community just to name a few.
  • Our schools can provide educational programming to connect our teachers with our students while providing a safe avenue for our children (and adults) to learn when in-person just isn’t the best option. There will be no more snow days going forward just days that provide a different way to learn.
  • Agree with everything that has been done or not, our government has shown the ability to move more quickly than ever to get legislation passed to provide changes or assistance to those in need. Hopefully this is something that can continue.
  • Meetings can be held virtually as an option not to replace in person meetings but to supplement in situations where it makes sense. This could save valuable time, money and resources when a meeting held online would suffice.
  • Companies can provide viable options to work from home while still achieving the goals of the organization. This will provide many benefits to an incoming workforce that values flexibility, embracing technology and reducing work commute times.

The list can definitely be continued and it will hopefully realize that the past year has shown us that we can do things now that we only thought were in the “things to come” category. We also will hopefully appreciate the little things that we’ve taken for granted for so long. Simple things like being able to have lunch, grab coffee or enjoy a drink with a friend, colleague or family member. Being able to celebrate special occasions with family and friends. Giving someone a hug when you need it, they need it, or both.

One thing that I’ve come to really appreciate is that when someone in this community really needs help with something (money, time, support, etc.), there’s always someone willing to step up to help out. We truly do live in a great community and one that has an extremely bright future ahead. New developments, new job opportunities, new housing options, new businesses, and more are all on the horizon in DeKalb and I cannot wait to see what it will look like for everyone in the area.

Happy New Year to everyone and I’ll look forward to seeing you in 2021!

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