Letter: DeKalb County Board should vote no on Pratt Road solar development

Black keyboard - Letter to the Editor

I am writing as pastor of Our Savior’s and the church council and a citizen of Sandwich and DeKalb County for 47 years asking you to deny Amp Energy and Attorney Scott Krills’ request to place a solar farm on Pratt Road less than one half mile north of Sandwich between Our Savior’s and Cornerstone churches.

One of my favorite childhood stories was Dr. Seuss’s “Horton hears a Who.” Horton the elephant hears the cries of the citizens of Whoville who live on a speck of dust. Their future is about be destroyed. Horton chooses to help but no one listens to him. Like the citizen of Whoville, no one hears the cries of the leaders, citizens of Sandwich and church congregants concerning the damage placing this solar field on a major frontage road within 1 ½ miles of Sandwich will do to the future growth of Sandwich.

Hearing officer Dale Clark’s summary recommendation didn’t tell you. The Sandwich Future Land Use Plan created as part of DeKalb United Comprehensive plan in 2011 and your Land Use 101 states it should serve as a guide places commercial development, town homes, apartment buildings-medium density and low density housing on both sides of Pratt Road. The County defers future land use and development of properties within the planning to the respective municipality (Sandwich).

Was D. Clark even looking at the Sandwich future plan? He said “The solar field would fit in nicely with low density housing not unlike many outlying areas of Sycamore along Airport Road.” That’s not the worst of it. You are next! When DeKalb County ignores their own Future Land Use guidelines.

You can throw away your City’s Land Use Plan. You are next DeKalb County board members, this include you, your homes and churches. If they can do this to us, they will do this to you.

By DeKalb County Board’s decision to vote “Yes” on this solar field, you would override the needs of Sandwich and its city council and two State Representatives who have sent resolutions opposing this along with any community who clearly states they are not against solar fields. This location does damage for 20 to 30 years to the future growth of Sandwich and you chose not to hear us.

The future development of our cities and villages will no longer be designed by professionals but dictated by whims and needs of the solar companies and the land owners. While you are left to build your city or village around their dictated solar fields after the State of Illinois passed Public Act 102-1123. You objected to this bill. It mandates that you build it or face being sued.

I am the pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of about 800 baptized members. DeKalb has 15 boxes to check to get approval. God has two, to love your neighbor as yourself. The first is to love the Lord our God with our heart, soul and mind.

Would you want a quarter of a mile solar farm built across the road from your home? Then why is it OK to build a solar farm next to two of God’s houses? We constructed a $3 million building and grounds to make room for people to attend church. Children attend Sunday School. Solar panels don’t.

We have a vision to proclaim God’s love in Jesus Christ to all people. That includes you whether you vote for or against this. We have God’s love to share and urge you to help us by voting “No” to this location and help Amp and Attorney Krill find another that serves, meets and respects the needs of all.

God bless,

Rev. David Kaul  

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