The year may have just begun, but cold and flu season is in full swing. While there is no known remedy for these illnesses, an ounce of prevention can often equal a pound of cure.
The first step to prevent germs from spreading is cleaning contact points in your home and office. These are going to be areas that are frequently touched or handled by multiple people. When thinking about how to keep from spreading a cold or the flu, many people are quick to reach for disinfectant sprays or wipes. These can be effective means of killing many germs if used properly.
Common touch points are:
- Door knobs, handles or locks
- Light switches
- Stair rails
- Faucet and toilet handles
- Refrigerator handles and stove knobs
- Remote controls
- Copiers, scanners, and keyboards
During cold and flu season, you’ll want to clean these surfaces more often than you would any other time of year.
Be Mindful of Shared Items at Home
You can’t exactly quarantine family members if they happen to get sick. However, you can figure out how to prevent germs from spreading in your home. Here are some tips to help you do so:
- Wash communal throws or blankets weekly during cold and flu season. If someone in the house is coughing or sneezing, wash these items immediately.
- Clean bedding daily until the sick person is better. If he or she has a fever, you’ll want to wash the bedding immediately.
- Don’t share bath or hand towels, and make sure toothbrushes aren’t coming into contact with one another.
- Keep tissues around so that any family members who are ill can cover their mouth or nose when sneezing or coughing.
Flu and Cold Season Maid Easy with Merry Maids!
Jackie Franklin
Merry Maids