The Kankakee Area Macintosh Users’ Group follows last year’s 40th anniversary celebration with an invite to new users of smart phones, tablets, computers and peripherals.
At the Jan. 13 monthly meeting of KAMUG from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Bradley Public Library, people with new (or new to them) devices will be able to get assistance in learning how to configure, operate, connect their devices and transfer data.
In addition, mini-software demos will be given to help broaden horizons and jumpstart usage of standard software genres.
Recent meetings have highlighted the ways computing technologies have affected and benefited our lives over the past 40 years. Future meetings will highlight CAD/CAM software, laser cutters, networking softwares, security alerts and apps for those special ones in your Valentine Day celebration.
Regular features of meetings include discussions of AI, digital security across platforms, apps for all interests, new computing news media and solutions for participant problems.
KAMUG is open to users of all operating systems, software programs and hardware designs. All meeting are open to the public. No membership dues are collected.
Meetings are on the second Monday of the month at the Bradley Public Library from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Further information is available at 815-472-4472.