Where did January go? Here we are, the last weekend of the month. So much has happened already. With another week to go, it is scary to think what else could happen. And what else we could needlessly worry about.
We started the year off with murders of local and national interest and a public suicide. We watched uncontrollable fires destroy lives and property at unprecedented levels. A new president was installed. There is an agreed upon temporary cease-fire of one of the two international wars. A predictable end of the college football season and my most enjoyable news of the month, measurable snow in places known for its warmth this time of year. And eggs and gasoline are still at profitable prices.
With everything that took place this month, I am still optimistic about all the tomorrows to come. So, bring on February with all its surprises, good and bad. I take it as a good sign when professional football ends and baseball begins on the same day. And the Cubs are the first team to report to Spring Training, my recognized signal of the end of winter.
Cubs’ pitchers and catchers report to Arizona Feb. 9. The traditional first sighting of a robin or the sound of a neighbor’s lawnmower puts spring too far away.
Like the person who doesn’t want or need anything for any holiday, 2025 has brought me luck and contentment. Looking ahead to the immediate future, there is no threat to all the rights and privileges I enjoy. If I lose anything, it will be because of my own doing. I have reached a point where the most important thing to me is seeing the next sunrise. Even if it is cloudy, if I am able to get up, I will know it is shining somewhere.
While not making a resolution, I have come to the conclusion that what is best for me is when there is a direct correlation between my circle of control and my circle of concern. And that circle is getting smaller, yet more fulfilling. It’s freeing. Almost like a pardon. I am still a part of this world, but all the world’s problems are no longer mine. I am not telling that lie anymore. Without regret, I cannot feel your pain.
At one time I believed in and tried to practice being my brother’s keeper. However, time has revealed that at best, I can only be my proverbial brother’s observer. My brother’s convictions are his and of those likeminded. Should those causes be adversely affected, it will not require me to relinquish any of my sunrise appreciation time. I may be sympathetic, but I won’t risk getting another gray hair.
None of my revelation means that my innate responsibility to humanity will be lost. If my fellow man is hungry, thirsty, cold or tired, it is my duty beyond thoughts and prayers to help within my ability. I will not abdicate my human responsibility.
I will give my last dollar and my irreplaceable time to help meet a need. But I won’t march one step for a cause that benefits a select few. I find a greater sense of purpose is derived from helping one starfish at a time.
This country is still in a very good earthly position. As long as our guaranteed individual rights and privileges and opportunities are not infringed, we are better than most.
After the eventful start, I am looking forward to the rest of this year. If the whirlwind of January is any indication, we are in for an amusing year.
The goal is to dwell not on the small or big stuff. If the effect is not direct, don’t sweat. That’s just me. I think the Cubs are going to win it all this year.