Bradley library to host speed friending before Valentine’s Day

The Joliet Public Library Black Road Branch plans to move the children’s section to a more private and secured area after the Joliet City Council votes on funding for the remodel.

Finding new friends can be challenging as an adult.

Those looking for a new pal are invited to drop into the Bradley Public Library from 6-7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 for a platonic version of speed dating.

Participants in the speed friending event will engage in a series of brief conversations, meeting new people and potentially forming lasting friendships in a fun, relaxed setting.

Attendees may bring a book or movie as an icebreaker or grab one from the library’s shelves.

Snacks will be included. No registration is required. The event is for ages 18 and older.

The Bradley Public Library is at 296 N. Fulton Ave. in Bradley.