2025 Election Questionnaire: David Zinanni, Mayor of Bourbonnais

David Zinanni


David Zinanni

What office are you seeking?

Mayor of Bourbonnais

What is your political party?

Peoples Choice

What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Retired Deputy Sheriff of Kankakee County and current Board of Commissioners (Board President) of the Bourbonnais Township Park District (BTPD).

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Board of Commissioners - President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District (BTPD).

Board member (Chair) River Valley Special Recreation.



Campaign Website:

Peoples Choice Party on Facebook


Bishop McNamara High School - Graduated (1982)


Harper College

Kankakee Community College (KCC)

Northwestern Illinois University (Staff and Command)

Illinois State Police Academy

Certified Emergency Management Director

Community Involvement:

High School Football and Wrestling Coach

Certified Strength Coach

Little League Coach

Administrator Gold Star Boxing

USA Boxing Official

Former member of Shriners

School Resource Officer

Marital status/Immediate family:

Married with 5 children and 12 grandchildren.


What makes you the most qualified candidate?

Having been a deputy sheriff for over 30 years and leading the Emergency Management Agency coupled with being the President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District (BTPD), I have the essential skills set in negotiations, public safety, budgeting, and handling a complex set of leadership skills that allow me to make the best-informed decisions for the community. Additionally, my educational experience at Northwestern University and emergency management training have given me a deeper understanding of solving complex issues. Finally, my work ethic, character, integrity, and mission to “Serve and Protect” make me the best qualified person to lead the Village of Bourbonnais into the future.

What would you rank the greatest weakness and strength of the governmental organization you’re running for?

The most glaring weakness of the Village of Bourbonnais governmental entity is administrative apathy and their persistent catering to special interest groups and friends of the administration and board. Decisions are based on what is best for a self-serving agenda at taxpayers’ expense. Political cronyism runs rampant in this administration, and taxpayers’ needs are not heard or recognized. A more aggressive approach to economic development is needed for the 6000 N. I57 corridor.

The strength of this governmental unit is that the Village of Bourbonnais has a tremendous residential base, complimented by a nationally recognized educational university — Olivet Nazarene University located within the Village. To keep the residential base growing, a new mayor will need to address economic and public infrastructure needs to lower the tax burden on the residential area and grow the economy with new businesses to allocate the costs to the entire Village and not just the residents.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

As mayor, my administration and police department would follow all applicable federal and state laws regarding this issue.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

My top priorities are: 1) Reduce the tax burden on the Village residents. 2) Public safety and attaining a correct ratio of police officers to residents. 3) Enhanced economic development.

As mayor, I would conduct a new feasibility study and comprehensive plan to review all deficient areas and how to mitigate the excessive tax burden, hire and train new police officers, and work with the State of Illinois – Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to market available properties within the Village and especially the 6000 N. corridor. Finally, I would vote against any expansion efforts of KRMA until an evaluation has been undertaken to determine the source and needs of our area once Kankakee Industries returns to the practice of pre-treating their sewage as required by law. If KRMA halts the practice of accepting outside-the-area sewage, the need for expansion suddenly goes away, and the current intake of 13 million gallons per day falls well below the 25 million gallons per day designed capacity.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

First, economic development is the driver for economic growth in the Village. Of course, environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with economic development. My administration will focus on bringing new industries and companies into the Village, complemented by proven ecological and environmental sustainability such as clean water, adequate processing of sewage, and introducing applicable green energy initiatives that protect the environment and reduce the emissions of toxic materials into the atmosphere or ground.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

As mayor, I will implement a feasibility study to determine the need for more public transportation. There is a need to enhance public transit for seniors and college students at Olivet Nazarene University. Additionally, I would work with our local transit agency, River Valley Metro, and the Illinois Department of Transportation to apply for local grants to expand necessary services for our residents.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

As mayor, the prime directive is to lead the efforts for supporting local businesses and developing appropriate and sustainable economic development growth strategies. The Village trustees are critical in supporting and prioritizing strategies that enhance the tax base and bring more revenue into the Village. The trustees are important collaborative partners needed to assist the mayor in the development and implementation of strategic and tactical policies by supporting the mayor’s local business agenda.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

I have several public safety concerns for the Village of Bourbonnais. Namely, having the appropriate staffing levels for the police, additional extensive training, and enhanced safety in our local grade schools and high school. The lack of a working Emergency Management Plan (EMP) is alarming. As a former Deputy Sheriff for over 30 years, coupled with being the Director of Emergency Management, I would use my education and experience to evaluate all public safety issues and concerns, simultaneously conducting a community assessment of our strengths and weaknesses. After compiling the data, I would work with the police chief and community partners to develop a regional approach to public safety while specifically addressing the needs within the Village.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

The current administration does not have a policy for the inclusion of residents’ input. As mayor, I would promote an easily accessible website encouraging residents’ input and concerns. I would place our budget online, which the current administration does not provide, and be accessible to any resident’s concerns, issues, or problems they might experience with the Village. Transparency, open communication, and accountability to the residents under all departments would be among my highest priorities.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

The current administration is rife with conflicts of interest and not disclosing actual or potential conflicts of interest. As mayor, I would implement an annual policy disclosing any actual or potential conflicts of interest. We all work for the taxpayers and should conduct ourselves ethically and legally in our elected office as well as the administration of our duties.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Accessibility to our village constituents is one of my highest priorities. I would be available to meet any person, business, or constituent to hear their issues and discuss possible solutions to their concerns. Being an elected official is centered on being an ethical steward of the people’s resources (tax dollars), and representing their interests is the high point of the administration of my official duties as mayor. Additionally, I would conduct town hall meetings, meet with local stakeholder groups or individuals, or meet by appointment, podcast, or Zoom to be as accessible as possible to my constituents.