2025 Election Questionnaire: Mike Barry, Manteno Village Trustee

Mike Barry

Name: Mike Barry

What office are you seeking? Trustee Village of Manteno

What is your political party? Manteno Freedom Party

What is your current age? 48

Occupation and employer: Landscape Construction

What offices, if any, have you previously held? N/a


Campaign Website: Manteno Freedom Party facebook

Education: Highschool degree

Community Involvement: President and founder of the i8ytfl youth tackle football and cheer organization consisting of 12 towns with over 3000 athletes from age 5-14.

Marital status/Immediate family: Married for 18 years to my wife Michelle 1 son Jackson 5th grader at Bishop Mac


What makes you the most qualified candidate?

To give the residents of Manteno and say in how the government works. Give them the information on dealings within the the town. Transparency on decision making. Always looking out for the best for all the residents of manteno to insure safety and continue growth.

What would you rank the greatest weakness and strength of the governmental organization you’re running for?

Our current administration has turned a blind eye to the residents on crucial decisions being made financially and safety wise. This position give me the chance to hear our residents concerns good or bad and address them like they should be.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

I look to the people that were put in positions by the county for their experience with this.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

1. Safety what are our plan with the gotion factory and all the hazardous chemicals that are going to be housed their. Do we have enough fire protection and police?

2 Fiscally responsible open book policy on how all the tax money is being spent to what project and contractors.

3 Nepotism stop awarding millions of dollars of contracts and jobs to current administration family and friends.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Experiencing this first hand i want to change how the tax payer money is given out and spent with no knowledge for the residents. The illegal rezoning and changing of village codes to allow a company to come in is Unexceptable. Make sure growth is what the residents want and feel comfortable with. Open board meetings for residents to see what businesses are planning on bringing to our community.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

First off see what the residents are looking for have monthly meet and greets with business owners to ask what they need and we can help them succeed first.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

To help with anything to make the business in our town strive and succeed.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

The lithium battery plant coming to our town making sure we have enough equipment to INSURE all our residents our safe and put this First on our priorities before anything else

What can or should the city to do increase affordable housing?

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

Transparency residents not afraid to ask questions and get answers.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Yes please end the nepotism of local government. Make sure all businesses and hiring is done correct and not in a closed door meeting have a minimum of 3 bids per project and wait until the are received.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

I have been a part of this community and very active in youth sports please stop me shoot me a email or a phone call if I can’t answer your questions or address your concerns I will find the right people who can.