Candidates forum set for Wednesday in Watseka

Watseka water tower

WATSEKA – The April 1 election is fast approaching and for the voters of Watseka, they have 10 aldermanic candidates running for office.

That many aldermanic candidates has not been seen in many years, according to a release from the group Community Stakeholders.

All four wards have contested races. Each ward is represented by two alderman, but in this election cycle only one member of each ward will be elected.

For this reason the Stakeholders Committee, an ad hoc committee, was formed to help make sure the voters of Watseka are fully informed, the committee said in the release.

This group is not associated with any of the candidates, the release said.

The committee is hosting a candidates forum beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday (March 19) at 119 W. Walnut St. in Watseka.

All candidates have been invited.

The residents of Watseka will also be electing a new mayor. Mayor John Allhands, who has served as mayor since May 2016, announced in October he would not seek a third term as he will be moving to Tennessee.

In the past couple of years, the city has faced important and controversial issues, according to the release.

The committee said in the release it is planned that questions will be submitted by members of the local press and media. Questions will be accepted from the public, subject to review.

The hope of the committee is this forum will help inform voters and residents as to the issues and candidates.

Aldermanic candidates

1st Ward

Chris Meredith

Mark Garfield

2nd Ward

Peggy Cahoe

Charles DeWitt

Thomas Jones

3rd Ward

Jenny DeLahr

Jeff Petersen

4th Ward

Bridget Tobeck

Paula Williamson

Nicholas Brault

Mayoral candidates

Benny Marcier

J. Scott Anderson

Clerk candidates

Amanda Hibbs

Treasurer candidates

Glenda Hawkins-Carlson