BRADLEY — A permanent replacement for former Bradley Fire Chief Don Kaderabek continues to move forward.
After Monday’s Bradley Village Board meeting, Mayor Mike Watson said he is hopeful the village board could approve Kaderabek’s replacement as early as May.
Kaderabek had been the Bradley fire chief for about five years. He retired from the department on Jan. 3.
At the conclusion of his 40-year professional firefighting career, Kaderabek said it was simply “time to go.”
While no names have been discussed for who will be the next Bradley chief, interim Fire Chief Jim Spoon said he certainly would like to be considered to fill the vacancy.
“I’m certainly interested in being the chief,” he said saying he will be submitting his resume.
Currently, Bradley has 11 full-time firefighters. The department is moving forward on hiring a 12th firefighter. The department also has a 12-member part-time staff.
The department staffs two fire fire stations.
Spoon is certainly well known within the ranks of the Kankakee County’s fire service profession. He has been a member of the Momence Fire Protection District since 1989. He has been the chief of that department since December 2016.
Spoon had been serving as Bradley’s deputy fire chief since June 2024.
While wearing two firefighter hats, Spoon’s time is obviously divided. He is at the Bradley department from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. When he finishes his Bradley duties, he heads to the Momence department.
Watson said he has not been in any rush to fill the vacancy. He said he is pleased with the direction Spoon has taken the department.
Watson said he has talked to some individuals who have expressed an interest in the position.
Spoon is being paid a stipend of $97,000 over a 12-month period. Spoon earns $1,000 a month for his Momence duties.