No legislation spontaneously lands on the governor’s desk, which makes paying attention to even efforts doomed to initial failure an important part of understanding the governmental process and the political priorities of those we send to Springfield.
Toby Moore writes about how some in the medical field over the centuries were at first ridiculed for their innovations but were proven right years later.
I try to stay away from predictions, especially in the political sphere, an expected outcome from a couple of decades of guessing wrong more than right. So I’m not saying Pritzker will consider my next idea … but maybe he should.
Any candidate who can run even a modest turnout operation ought to succeed, especially in races where voters can make multiple choices.
Mike Madigan knew for a very long time that the U.S. Attorney’s office and the FBI badly wanted to put his head on a spike.
Columnist Dennis Marek writes about the importance of one's IQ score.
The party in power has to make these changes. Republicans can’t do it alone, nor does their public relations campaign have influence unless and until it crosses over into motivating Democratic voters to either pressure incumbents or withhold electoral support.
Rep. Mary Beth Canty, D-Arlington Heights, filed House Bill 2396 four years ago today. Known as the “Full-Day Kindergarten” law, the bill passed the House 87-23 and the Senate 52-1.
'If the problems are fish in a barrel, the complaint contains an entire school of tuna.'