BCR Pigskin Prognosticators for Week 2, 2024

BCR Pigskin Prognosticators

Here are our picks for Week 2:

Week 2
Kevin Hieronymus
BCR Sports Editor
Last week: 7-3
Kevin Chlum
NT Sports Editor
Last week: 7-3
Brian Stocking
Guest picker
Week 1 guest: 7-3
Princeton at RockridgePrincetonPrincetonPrinceton
Hall at E-PE-PE-PE-P
BV at Ridgeview/LexingtonBVBVBV
Eurek at St. BedeEurekaEurekaEureka
ALO at West PrairieALOALOALO
LaSalle-Peru at MetamoraMetamoraMetamoraMetamora
Ottawa at StreatorOttawaOttawaStreator
Riverdale at KewaneeKewaneeKewaneeRiverdale
Mon-Rose at OrionMon-RoseMon-RoseMon-Rose
Stark County at A/WA/WA/WA/W

Brian Stocking is with the WQAD The Score