It’s Game Day and Homecoming for the Bureau Valley Storm. They will meet Sterling Newman at 7 p.m. at Storm Stadium.Team members for the Storm F/S football team are: (front row, from left to right) Kai Walowski, Jacob Bolin, Jordan Newman, Tyce Barkman, Ryan Wasilewski and Christopher Novak; (second row) Brady Hartz, Brock Rediger, Aidan Besler, Bryson Foster and Bracin Patnoe; (third row) Ayden Andrade, Brady Carrington, Drake Hardy, Gus Anderson, Bradley Schoff and James Etheridge; and (back row: manager Taylor Rowland, Coach Warkins, Coach Wasilewski, Coach Mormon and manager Makenna Maupin. Not Pictured: Zach Wiggim, Serenity Stone, Braydin Zimmer and managers Ryley Egan and Toby Behrends. (Photo courtesy Bureau Valley)