DeKalb begins new era under Derek Schneeman with summer practices

DeKALB – Even though the first official practice under interim head coach Derek Schneeman happened July 7, both the coach and players said things have been going smoothly after former head coach Keith Snyder’s resignation in early June.

“It’s been real easy because Schneeman, he was our offensive coordinator last year,” senior lineman Gavin Engh said. “He made great bonds with all the players, I feel, and if he stays, I welcome it.”

That’s the plan.

Schneeman will take over the job officially pending a vote of the DeKalb School District 428 Board on July 20. He was named the interim coach after Snyder announced he was leaving the program after two years at the helm to spend more time with his family.

Schneeman originally came on board in early 2020 as DeKalb’s offensive coordinator after six years as head coach at Fieldcrest, where he led the Knights to their first playoff win and two Class 2A semifinal appearances.

It’s also the first real summer workouts in two seasons, given the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out most activities last year. The Barbs ended up going 1-2 in the spring 2021 season that was supposed to run six games.

“It finally feels like COVID is starting to die down and we’re getting back to normal and having a normal year and normal season,” Engh said.

Schneeman said things are progressing smoothly, with 80 players out at the first practice last week. He said guys are buying into the program and he’s built strong relationships, some from last year, and some with the incoming freshmen. He also teaches at Huntley Middle School.

“I don’t think there will be a problem with that at all,” Schneeman said of developing relationships with his players. “Guys know who I am, who our coaching staff is and what we’re about. We’ve had a lot of continuity with the coaches on staff, so I think that will help in the process. Guys know what to expect.”

Schneeman said it’s been good to see the COVID restrictions start to relax.

“Sometimes it felt very impersonal last year with all the rules that were in place, and obviously rightfully so,” Schneeman said. “But as the rules have been relaxed, we’ve been able to bond more together. It’s been awesome to form some semblance of normalcy again.”

DeKalb receiver Toriano Tate said the adjustment to Schneeman has been a good one.

“It was an easy switch,” Tate said. “He’s a real easy going coach and knows what he’s doing. He always gives a reason why he does something. So it’s really comfortable with him being our coach.”

Even though the season lasted only three games last season for the Barbs, Engh said it served its purpose.

“I think it got us back into the groove of being a team, getting close again and coming together,” Engh said. “We learned the plays we’re going to run this year, and it got everybody pretty prepared for this year.”