GENEVA – After serving 12 years on the Geneva District 304 school board, Michael McCormick said goodbye after Monday night’s meeting.
McCormick, who was board president for the past 14 months, had decided not to seek another term. New board members will be sworn in at the next meeting on May 8.
“It’s been a great 12 years on the board,” McCormick said. “As I was driving over here tonight, it dawned on me that when I started on the board, kids that were first graders are going to graduate this year. It’s been an honor to serve the community.”
McCormick thanked Superintendent Kent Mutchler, Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Andrew Barrett, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Todd Latham and Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Adam Law.
“You guys have been so helpful over the years,” McCormick said. “I can’t thank you guys enough for keeping me on the straight and narrow, and the way you’re always ready for meetings. I talk to other board presidents that can’t say the same thing. So you guys are doing a great job. I really feel good that the district is in a good position going forward.”
McCormick also thanked Board Secretary Bonnie Johnson, saying, “You should have a crown.”
“You keep me ready for meetings. And when I screw up, you let me know,” McCormick said. “You’ve been such a good friend to me. And don’t be a stranger.”
Then he hugged Robin Butler, who video records the school board meetings.
“The queen behind the camera,” McCormick said. “You always glaze over my picture on replay so I look better than I do. Thanks for everything.”
Board members also thanked McCormick for his service and leadership.