Geneva D-304 board accepts more than $26K in financial gifts

Donations to support music, basketball, library and memorial trees

Geneva District 304 school board members Molly Ansari, Willard C. Hooks Jr., Paul Radlinski and Board President Larry Cabeen voted Monday to accept more than $26,000 in financial gifts to the district.

GENEVA – The Geneva District 304 School Board on Monday accepted financial gifts of $26,448.99 from four donors.

The largest single donation was $13,774.60 from the Geneva Music Boosters among other donations and financial gifts.

The donation is intended to support teacher “wish list” items for the high school music program.

According to policy, if a gift is more than $500, the board must vote to accept it.

The board also accepted a $4,800 donation from the Geneva Feeder Basketball Program at the high school – $2,700 for supplies, uniforms and other needs for the girls and $2,100 for the boys.

The board also accepted a grant from Reaching Across Illinois Library System of $4,274.39 to Geneva High School for new signage and display materials in the library.

“This will better indicate and showcase to the students what is available in the library to increase circulation and get more books into the hands of our high school students,” the letter from RAILS said.

The board also accepted a donation of $3,600 from Vicki Kloehn for two red oak trees and two tree markers to memorialize the Class of 1963 and her brother, Robert “OKE” Okerblad, Class of 1951.

The trees are to be planted in front of the high school.

One dedication marker will read, “In Honor of GHS class of 1963, Students and Angels” and “In Loving Memory of Robert “OKE” Okerblad, class of 1951.”