St. Charles Public Library to host discussion on climate technology

The executive director of the La Grange Park Public Library has been hired as the new director of the St. Charles Public Library.

The St. Charles Public Library will host a Climate Technology and Competition discussion at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 21, in the Bisbee Conference Room of the library at 1 S. Sixth Ave.

The lecture is part of their annual Great Decisions discussion series on world affairs, administered and produced by the Foreign Policy Association. The monthly series highlights eight critical foreign policy challenges facing Americans each year.

Registration for the discussion is not required.

The St. Charles discussion is a localized effort of a nationwide series designed to increase awareness and understanding of U.S. foreign policy concerns.

The series features a DVD on each topic, followed by a moderated discussion among the participants. Participants are asked to review the relevant chapter of the Great Decisions briefing book, which is available to buy or check out at the library’s Research and Reading Desk.

The Foreign Policy Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to broadening public involvement with the most important foreign policy issues facing the U.S. Each year, thousands participate in Great Decisions discussion groups around the country.

For more information, call 630-584-0076.