Abuse case reported at Hyde Center in Geneva

Marklund Hyde Center in Geneva.

Administrators at Marklund Hyde Center, a health care organization with locations in Kane County, said on Wednesday they are investigating a case of abuse against a resident of its Geneva home campus.

According to news release from Marklund, administration at the home immediately reported the situation to the Kane County Sheriff’s Office and the Illinois Department of Public Health once the case was discovered on Tuesday.

The situation is under investigation. Marklund is fully cooperating with local law enforcement and state regulators, according to the release.

“The safety and security of our residents is always our top concern,” Marklund President and CEO Gil Fonger said in the release.

According to HIPAA regulations, Marklund cannot release the name of the individual or the health status, according to the release.

Marklund is a nonprofit that provides residential, educational and therapeutic services to individuals with profound developmental disabilities.