St. Charles
1. July Fourth Fireworks: The St. Charles Park District will host a fireworks display, with festivities beginning at dawn Thursday, July 4. Viewing will be available at Langum Park, 50 Devereaux Way, or Mt. St. Mary Park, Prairie Street, east of Illinois Route 31.
Pottawatomie Park will also be open, featuring its golf course, pool, refreshments, games, sports and more. Parks will be open from dawn to 11 p.m.
Parking is free for residents, and $10 a vehicle for nonresidents.
At viewing sites there will be vendors, live music, food trucks and/or concessions and family-friendly activities.
Around noon on Thursday, a big red balloon will be displayed over Langum Park. If the balloon can be seen, that means fireworks will be visible in that area at dark.
For more information, visit
Batavia Fireworks: From 5 to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 4, there will be a food vendor festival for community members to attend before the Batavia Fourth of July Sky Concert set to last from 9 to 9:30 p.m. at Engstrom Family Park, 326 Millview Drive. From 8:55 to 9 p.m., there will be a brief thank-you to the event sponsors and community members. Fireworks show begins at 9:30 p.m.
For more information, visit
Elburn Lions Club Fireworks Show: The Elburn Lions Club will host a fireworks show at dusk preceded by concessions opening at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 6, at Lions Park, 500 Filmore St.
The fireworks show is funded by donations and run by volunteers.
The Elburn Lions Club will offer food and nonalcoholic beverages near the viewing area. Nonalcoholic and alcoholic beverages will be sold in the clubhouse, but alcoholic beverages are not allowed to leave the facility.
Parking will be available on the west side of Lions Park. Parking is free, but donations are appreciated.
For more information, visit,and%20run%20entirely%20by%20volunteers.