Kane County Chronicle

What would you like to see at Batavia Public Library? Strategic plan survey underway

The Batavia Public Library would like your help to shape our future.

To better serve our city, the library is in the beginning stages of a new strategic plan and we’re looking for your feedback. We need your help in identifying how we can improve as a pillar of our community.

Completing the survey should take 10 minutes or less. You will be asked questions regarding your overall satisfaction with the library, your comfort level using library services, how much you value certain library amenities and how you learn about what is going on at the library. Additional space is allotted so you may provide specific feedback and share your comments.

How do you feel about the library space and the atmosphere? We want to know. Any feedback regarding the layout of the building and how you’d like to use the space would be extremely helpful.

Do you think the library needs more study rooms or quiet spaces for independent work? Are you interested in a demonstration kitchen to accommodate more cooking and baking programs? Would an open play area in Youth Services interest you and your family? All your ideas are valid.

The goal is to collect as many surveys as possible, not only from library users, but all Batavia residents no matter what age and regardless of whether you have a library card. If you use other libraries throughout Kane County or are not a regular library user, we want to hear from you, too.

You may access the survey online at tinyurl.com/BPLcommunitysurvey or you can find a direct link on the library’s website at bataviapubliclibrary.org. Paper copies of the survey are available at the library. The survey is open through Aug. 19.

Your ideas are important to us and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to share their opinions through the survey.

Aimee Marx is a youth services librarian and member of the Strategic Planning Committee.