Kane County Chronicle Athlete of the Week: St. Charles North’s Kayla Beu, girls golf, freshman

St. Charles North's Kayla Beu

Name: Kayla Beu

School: St. Charles North, freshman

Sport: Girls golf

Why she was selected: Beu was the top finisher for St. Charles North at the Class 2A Boylan Sectional after shooting a 77 to finish fifth and help St. Charles North win the sectional title. She also took medalist honors at the DuKane Conference meet after shooting a 74.

Beu was selected the Kane County Chronicle Athlete of the Week in an online vote.

Here’s her interview with Joel Boenitz.

What was your mindset heading into sectionals?

Beu: I was really looking forward to it. I had a lot of built-up good vibes coming in and I had such a great team around me. I knew that if we just performed our best, we would get out of there. And the win was amazing and I’m really proud of the team and myself as well. I was just riding a high and it just felt really nice.

When did you realize that the team had a shot to qualify for state?

Beu: I did not check the scoring app the entire round. So on the 18th hole, I made my putt for par and I walked back to the club and I just saw all my teammates smiling and jumping around. And that’s when I knew we have something good.

What was the feeling of knowing you played a big role in securing your team’s spot at state as just a freshman?

Beu: It was a great feeling. It’s something I’ll never forget. I’m proud of how I played and there was so much support around me and I just had some great girls on my side.

You’re one of two freshmen on a team filled with seniors. What’s been the feeling of playing a big role on the team through the entire playoffs?

Beu: It can be stressful at times and it can feel like I have a little pressure on me, but I just look at the seniors around me as role models and people that I can look up to. And you know, they really do lead a nice path for me and I’m so grateful for them.

You also earned medalist honors at conference. What was the feeling of winning that?

Beu: It was fantastic. I would say I had a great conference season with a lot of wins and it was a nice way to end it with medalist honors. It was a long grind, that was a tough day, but I’m proud of how it turned out.

How much confidence does winning conference give you for the state tournament?

Beu: I feel like there’s a lot of confidence I have right now and I’m really looking forward to trying my best in my first time at state. I’m just going to go out there and have fun. No expectations. Just have a good time with my girls.

What’s your goal for the state meet?

Beu: I want to place in the top 25. I just want to do my best and just play good golf.

Do you have any superstitions?

Beu: I feel like I don’t really do anything the same every time, but I definitely like to listen to music in the car. I especially like to listen to R&B and stuff from PartyNextDoor.