Kane deputies to crack down on drunk, drugged driving for Halloween

Sheriff Hain urges motorists to commit to being sober

Capitol News Illinois file photo of an Illinois State Police car outside of the Illinois State Capitol.

Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain announced his office is cracking down on drunk and drugged driving this Halloween, according to a news release.

Hain urged motorists to commit to sober driving, buckling up and following traffic laws, as children and their families walk through neighborhoods after dark.

If people plan to enjoy Halloween festivities, Hain urged them also to have a plan for a safe, sober ride home.

“Alcohol and cannabis impair your ability to drive safely,” Hain stated in the release.

“That’s why it’s crucial to plan how you’ll get home before you head out – whether you’ll be drinking or using any other substance,” Hain stated in the release. “And don’t forget to wear your seat belt every trip, every time. Planning ahead, driving sober, and buckling up can help keep you and others safe.”

Driving while impaired is never acceptable, Hain stated in the release, reminding the driving public: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket.”

DUIs are not limited to alcohol-related offenses, only, as it is not legal to drive under the influence of alcohol, cannabis or any other drugs or substances, the release stated.

Cannabis use may be legal for adults, if you drive high, you’ll still get a DUI.

Additionally, all vehicle occupants must wear their seat belts – failure to do so will result in a ticket.