Aurora Navy League Council 247 to host dinner meeting Jan. 21

Leonard R. Wass, Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret.), is an Aurora Chapter Navy League Board Member and lives in Oswego.

The Aurora Navy League Council 247 will hold a dinner meeting Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the private room of the Riverview Diner, located at Illinois Route 25 and Mill Street in Montgomery.

A reception will begin promptly at 5 p.m., followed by a meeting at 5:30 p.m. with dinner afterward.

The meeting will conclude about 7:30 p.m.

Cost is $25 all-inclusive if an entree is ordered or $20 for the dinner salad featured that evening. There is free entry without food.

The after-dinner speaker is an FBI agent knowledgeable about human trafficking. He will speak on “The Challenges of Human Trafficking in America and Locally.”

The council is looking to expand its membership. The dinner meeting is a source of funding to help Junior Navy ROTC units in area high schools. The council will pay half of the first year’s dues for new members.

Attendees do not need to be a member of the Navy League or have a reservation to come to the meeting. All are invited.