Geneva voters will have multiple opportunities to learn about municipal candidates in the April 1 consolidated election – some events where all candidates in contested races are invited – and some “meet-and-greets” where only select candidates are invited.
The League of Women Voters of Central Kane County is hosting a forum for all municipal candidates at noon Sunday, Feb. 9 at the Geneva Public Library 227 S Seventh St., Geneva.
Candidates invited to participate are: incumbent Kevin Burns and Karsten Pawlik for mayor; Lee Eysturlid, Larry Furnish, Kevin Ziegler for the Third Ward; incumbent Amy Mayer and Erin DiSilvestro for the Fourth Ward; Patrice Bertheau, Jeff Palmquist and Kim Edwards for the Fifth Ward.
On Tuesday, Feb. 18, a meet-and-greet for Pawlik, and forum for candidates in Wards Three and Five, is set for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Eagle Brook Country Club, 2288 Fargo Blvd., Geneva.
On Monday, Feb. 24, the Geneva Township Republicans are hosting a similar event from 6 to 8 p.m. at Aurelio’s Pizza, 330 W. State St., Geneva, featuring only Pawlik, Furnish, Bertheau and Di Silvestro.
Regarding the Eagle Brook event, Fagan’s owner Joe Stanton said it was a meet-and-greet for Pawlik “because he’s the one they want to hear.”
“At the League of Women Voters, everyone is invited. This is specifically a meet and greet for Karsten,” Stanton said.
Stanton said various residents and business owners have invited Pawlik to speak in private events.
Stanton acknowledged that the municipal elections are non-partisan – that is, the mayor and ward seats are neither Republican nor Democrat.
“If the Democratic Party asked us to speak, or the Green Party, we would,” Stanton said.
Susan Dixon, chair of the Geneva Township GOP, said their event is not an open forum.
“Those are the people we know and approve of,” Dixon said of the four who were invited. “We’re going to have them come and talk. It’s not a city-wide forum, it’s our meet-and-greet. We are interested in these candidates. And we like their stances and that’s why we’re having them speak.”
Bertheau is on the executive board of the Geneva Township Republican Central Committee, according to its website.
Both events were posted on social media.
The Eagle Brook event was listed as “Free to the Public” on What is Happening in Geneva, a private Facebook group. The Aurelio’s event is on Kane GOP Facebook.
“We did not plan on inviting the whole city,” Dixon said. “It’s not a big enough venue for that...We can’t accommodate everyone.”
Pawlik said this was his first time running for public office.
“We are trying to figure it out and Joe (Stanton) is helping me out,” Pawlik said. “No one knows who is Karsten Pawlik. We’re doing the meet-and-greets because I’m not very well known...I’m trying to get my name out there.”
The other Third Ward candidates Lee Eysterlid and Kevin Ziegler both said they were not invited to the Eagle Brook event.
“I didn’t know it was happening,” Eysterlid said. “I did not get invited and I had not been told.”
As to the Geneva Township GOP event, Eysterlid said if the the GOP was working with those candidates, then it makes sense that he would not be invited.
Ziegler said now that he knows about the Eagle Brook event, he might attend.
Fourth Ward Alderperson Amy Mayer stated in a text regarding the GOP event, “I think it’s pretty ridiculous.”
“It’s supposed to be a non-partisan council,” Mayer said. “I’m doing a meet-and-greet on my own and funding it myself because I believe our council staying away from partisan politics is critical.”
Mayer said she was likely not invited to the Eagle Brook event because the new 5th and 3rd Wards cover that area.
Fifth Ward candidate Jeff Palmquist said he was invited to the Eagle Brook event and planned to attend.
As for the event at Aurelio’s, Palmquist said sometimes candidates think working with a team gives them an advantage in the election.
Fifth Ward candidate Patrice Bertheau said she had been invited to the Eagle Brook event.
And as to those who were not invited, Bertheau said, “I know the organizers were looking for their contact information.”
Fifth Ward candidate Kim Edwards said she had not been invited to the Eagle Brook event.
“It was advertised a little incorrectly because all the candidates were not invited,” Edwards said. “My entire campaign is very much transparency, safety and accountability. Those three are the most improtant things we need, particularly right now.”
Mayor Burns did not respond to requests for comment.