Karsten Pawlik
What office are you seeking?
Mayor of Geneva
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Vice President Operations, Alpine Demolition Services, LLC
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Campaign Website:
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering, University of Florida
Master of Business Administration, Northern Illinois University
Community Involvement:
History of Volunteering: St. Peters Church. Former Cub Scout Den Leader and Former Tri City Football Coach. President of IMSCA. Former Board Member and President ASAC, Board Member National Demolition Association
Marital status/Immediate family:
Wife - Kelli. Children - Aidan and Bailey. Grandchildren - Charlotte, Brooklyn, Jackson.
City officials have made it clear that Geneva’s facilities need to be either replaced or extensively remodeled. With the withdrawal of the referendum for this year, do you support a new ballot question for 2026 to get voter support to meet these needs? Why or why not?
We have no choice but to support the needs of the Police and Fire Departments. Especially the Police Department because of the current condition. We also need to address why we are in this position. Cost of repairs and replacements of city building should be planned for and budgeted every year. Regrettably tax payers will have to foot the bill for bad planning. Overall, supporting a new ballot question for 2026 can provide a structured and democratic way to address the pressing needs of Geneva’s facilities while involving the community in the decision-making process. We need to explain to the residents why we would require $ 45 million dollars for a new Police Station while Saint Charles recently spent $ 24.6 million for a 56,000 square foot facility. As mayor I support a new referendum I’ll insist that Alderman and residents know the actual scope and cost of the project. We need to make sure the data is correct. My extensive background in constructions and business makes me uniquely qualified to guide the Alderman thru this process.
Discuss how you would implement the Geneva Strategic Plan Advisory Committee plan, which measures the city’s goals and prioritizes its resources.
Geneva’s Strategic plan was created with the input of city residents outlying the goals for the city’s future. Each year alderman must prioritize these goals based on resources. We need to keep in mind the strategic plan contains many goals that can be addresses immediately other need to be done thru long term planning. Each year residents should be given the opportunity to change the strategic plan prior to Alderman prioritizing implementation. First and foremost that this document is created by and fore the residents of Geneva.
Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?
We should never put our police department in a position to have to decide which laws to and not to follow. The priority of our police department has to be to keep all of Geneva’s residents safe. This is achieved by following local, state and federal laws. We have all heard heart breaking story’s on this matter but we cannot have our Police Department be put in the position of being the arbitrator in these matters.
What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?
Bring back representative government to the city by restoring the power of the alderman. Currently City Government is upside down with the mayor and staff deciding what to address and vote on. In many intendances decisions are made prior to presenting the issues to the aldermen. The failed referendum is an example of this. Aldermen are often blindsided by not being informed of the agenda until the last minute and therefore do not have the information to supply input. We need to remember that decisions are to made by the residents thru their aldermen. The position of mayor is to guide and the position of staff is to implement the decisions of the aldermen. Geneva has lost a lot of good aldermen due to lack of support.2.Empty storefronts is one of the reasons that inspired me to run for Mayor. It looks bad to visitors as they drive thru Geneva. The sales tax that the Geneva businesses generate help pay the City bills. Every empty storefront not generating sales and property tax creates a deficit in our budget that must be covered by the Geneva residents. Our goal would be to retain our existing businesses while attracting new business to Geneva. Generating new sale taxes is the single easiest way to reduce the financial burden of Geneva residents. I will work with all departments to create a clear and easier path for businesses to open or expand. Stalled developments in City of Geneva should be brought back to the City Council to work out compromises. A lot of tax money has been lost due to these stalled developments.3. As mayor I would lead the Aldermen in making our city government more cost efficient. Thru technology and better management taxpayers money could be saved. Over the years while the population of Geneva has gone down the number of Staff Positions has gone up. An Assistant City Administrator has been added to do the work of the City Administrator. A position of Preservation Planner was created to do work that was formerly done by the City Planner. A position of DEI director was created to do work that should be responsibility of the Human Resource Director. If additional help is needed, we will not solve it by creating new positions that cost $100’s of thousands per year. Many city’s out source human resources saving the tax payers money. Many city’s outsource union negotiations saving the tax payers money. There are many other areas that tax payer dollars can be saved. I believe with proper guidance the alderman can help create a much more cost efficient City Government.
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
Each year we will adapt to the most current codes taken into consideration environmental sustainability. We can encourage green businesses to move to Geneva. We can make sure we update sustainable practices as needed. We will adopt policies that promote environmental sustainability. And most importantly we will invite the public to participate in creating initiatives for environmental sustainability.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
In addition to the new Police and Fire Department buildings we need to plan now for improvements to the public works facility and city hall. There is a great opportunity if planned out properly for LONG term solutions for out facility needs. There are many potential sites that the Police Station and City Hall could be relocated to. The moving of City Hall from it current location would create a huge redevelopment opportunity in the heart of Geneva. The greatest way to reduce the burden of the tax payer is to welcome new businesses to Geneva increasing our sales tax income. With public transportations we need to work with Metra and Pace to create the most efficient train and bus schedules. We need to plan ahead for improvements to our electrical, water and sewer so the capital is available to address the needs when the time comes. We need work with the county and state to maximize road and bridge improvement in the City. Also we need to seek available grants to improve street, bike paths and sidewalks.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
I’m happy to once again have the opportunity to remind ourselves the easiest way to reduce the financial burden on the tax payer is create new sales tax opportunities while reducing cost. The city council should be front and center in support of local business and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce to create new opportunities for businesses in Geneva. I can’t emphasize enough to remove the burden to tax payers is to introduce new businesses and to assist exiting business to grow. If a new restaurant wants to open in Geneva, their expertise is in running a restaurant and not working their way thru city bureaucracy. To encourage businesses to open a grow in Geneva we need to create a clear an transparent process to do so. We need to encourage our department of economic development to work hand in hand with the people looking to expand Geneva business space. Currently things are made harder for businesses to open and expand than easier.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
Public safety is a priority for me. We will give our Police and Fire Departments what they need to be top in class. We can’t expect our Police and Fire Departments, our public works staff and our City employees to operate efficiently without the proper tools. It’s tough to do your job when your roof is leaking, equipment is lacking and required support from City Government is not sufficient. Our Police and Fire Departments hold public safety as a priority and their yearly goals emphasize their commitment to the public. City government has not done a good job planning for these needs and we will make sure in the future that proper planning is done to support the departments keeping us safe.
What can or should the city do to increase affordable housing?
Identify property suitable for affordable house and provide incentives for developers to build in these areas. Incentives could include helping developers finds grants for these projects thru the state or federal government. Affordable housing is an important issue, but we need to look at the track record of the people who will be building and managing the project. When you have a documented fact pattern that a developer has boy been a good steward and developments have been an issue in other cities, you should disqualify that developer. Geneva is a city with high quality of living, it’s what we love about it. We can be welcoming to anyone, but if you’re going build here, you must be held to the highest standards.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
We need the expand the definition of inclusion. Inclusion is not only fair hiring practices or a welcoming city to all that want to live or visit. Inclusion has to include wheel chair accessibility, accommodations to the blind, assistance to the hard of hearing. True inclusion creates an environment where residents and visitors no matter their religion, color or nationality feel welcome and at home in Geneva. If we keep this expansion of inclusion in mind when we create codes and policy’s when we welcome new businesses to town and in our hiring practices, we will make Geneva and even more welcoming community that it already is. We need to ensure equal access to resources, opportunities, and services for everyone, including marginalized and underrepresented groups. We need to fosters a sense of belonging and helps build a cohesive, vibrant, and diverse community where everyone can thrive.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
I support government officials to publicly disclose conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are governed by various laws and regulations to ensure ethical conduct and prevent the misuse of power for personal gain. I intend to follow and enforce these local and state regulations. This disclosure would not only apply to elected officials but to staff, who have input to the process of decision making. Ethic violations will also be addressed with the same policy’s. Enforcement would be done by written reprimand and possible termination if conflict of interest and ethic policy’s are violated. Government officials and employees in the decision making rolls should be reminded of the responsibility’s and limitations that they agreed to take on when they took office or accepted a position.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
I not only believe you need to be accessible by phone and email at all times, but also create a schedule of accessibility to meet with residents in person to address their concerns. This can be accomplished with regular office hours to meet with residents and also the ability to schedule an appointment with me thru the city website.