Campton Hills trustee gets continued hearing

Burson to bring attorney for next hearing on alleged zoning violation

Janet Burson, candidate for Campton Hills trustee, answers a question during a candidates’ forum hosted by the League of Women Voters at the Campton Hills Village Hall on Thursday, March 2, 2023.

Campton Hills Trustee Janet Burson made a brief appearance before a hearing officer Tuesday, who granted her a continuance to March 18. The village cited Burson Jan. 24, alleging she was running a massage therapy service as a home-based business, in violation of the zoning ordinance.

“I’m asking for a continuance,” Burson said. “I’d like representation. I’ve been unable to obtain it so far.”

Village Administrator Mark Rooney and Building and Zoning Officer James Brown did not object.

“If Ms. Burson would correct the problem that she would not be eligible for any more ticketing, correct?” hearing officer Tom Elsner asked.

Rooney and Brown replied that he was correct.

Elsner said he would grant one continuance.

“I will not grant another one unless it’s like, you know ‘My attorney’s mother passed away,’” Elsner said. “You’re going to need a good faith effort to ... secure an attorney. You’re still going to have to come in next time.”

Elsner advised that when Burson has an attorney, he or she should “reach out to the village so this can be smoothed.”

“If it can’t be smoothed, then we go to a hearing,” Elsner said.

Burson said though she previously had a massage therapy business when she lived in Oak Park, but she was not operating one out of her home now in Campton Hills.

The Village Board recently censured Burson, alleging various infractions – all of which she denied.

The complaint was based on her home address being listed on her business website.