We Can Lead Change Fox Valley is organizing a “We the People – Defending our Constitution” rally from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 1 near the Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles.
The group is concerned with what they consider direct threats to democracy, personal privacy and freedoms under the current Trump Administration and the actions of Elon Musk, the group announced in a news release.
“Anybody who is caring about our democracy and wanting to have their voice heard is welcome,” said organizer Sue Sanders of St. Charles. “There are all sorts of people who are concerned about how quickly our government is being dismantled.”
Sanders was referring to the disruption of the federal government, the dismantling of longstanding programs and the challenge to Congress’s role in creating laws and paying bills.
She said this is the same group that huddled after the Women’s March in January 2017 in Washington, D.C. at the start of Trump’s first term. They organized their own Women’s March Fox Valley in January 2019 and 2020.
“What we do mostly is educate,” Sanders said. “We have information on our website, wecanleadchange.org, about the environment, civics 101, immigration – know your rights. We’re just trying to educate people.”
The group is also hosting a meet and greet with candidates in contested city races in Batavia, Geneva and St. Charles from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Baker Community Center, 101 S. Second St., St. Charles.
“It’s a meet and greet, not a forum,” Sanders said. “We’re just trying to help people understand what is going on in our community locally.”