Letter: For the sales tax, for public safety

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

We live in Kane County because we know it is a safe, healthy and prosperous place to live. Public safety is a top priority for Kane County, making life better for us and our families right here where we live, work and play.

Public safety in Kane County includes our sheriff, the courts, the state’s attorney, the coroner, the circuit clerk, 911 and the Office of Emergency Management. It takes a lot of hardworking people to keep us and our children safe.

Kane County has been on a belt-tightening budget for many years. Since 2013, Kane County has taken almost no increases to the property tax levy, leaving the levy far behind the cost-of-living increases in the economy and creating the need for this sales tax.

Kane County has a referendum on the April 1, 2025, ballot asking you, the voter, to approve a 0.75% sales tax for public safety. You would pay an additional 75 cents on a $100 purchase of tangible personal property. This tax would NOT apply to food, prescription medicine or cars. This is not a property tax.

My family and friends will be voting “Yes” on this referendum.

If you would like more information about the Kane County Public Safety Sales Tax Referendum, please visit our website at www.kanesafe.otg or call me at 630-605-9244.

Mavis Bates
