Ronald Silkaitis
What office are you seeking?
First Ward Alderperson, St. Charles IL
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Quality Control Specialist, Hawk Ford of St. Charles, IL
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
First Ward Alderperson, St. Charles, IL
St. Charles, IL
Campaign Website:
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Southern Illinois University
Community Involvement:
Volunteer at Northern Illinois Food Bank
Board member and past president of St. Patrick Catholic School
Marital status/Immediate family:
Married and father of four daughters.
How important is sustainability/eco friendly energy? Major factors in decision to renew IMEA contract?
Sustainability and having environmentally friendly sources of energy need to be a vital part of our city’s energy plan. I would like to see St. Charles explore other viable options for our energy sources and look at using renewable energy sources as a priority. The city needs to do its due diligence and request comparative bids from other energy suppliers. The City of Naperville hired a consultant to study different ways to provide energy to their city. I would like to see St. Charles act in a similar way to help ensure that we can make a well-informed decision about our future energy needs and sources. It is an important decision that will impact the city, the environment, and our residents for many years to come. IMEA is requesting that the city enter into a new contract ten years before our existing contract expires. This would extend the contract until 2055. Therefore, at this time, I cannot support an early renewal of the current contract with IMEA.
Is keeping the dam important to you? Why?
The St. Charles Dam has been an important piece of our community for many years. The Fox River Dam Task Force is studying the possible effects on the environment, economics, and recreational activities. If the dam is removed, residents have expressed concerns about potentially lower property values, effects on businesses, and a diminished ability to use the river for recreational activities. While others in the community are in favor of removing the dam for environmental and natural habitat restoration reasons. The city must consider all possible options concerning the decision to remove the dam or keep the dam. The Army Corps of Engineers is re-evaluating their study on whether to remove the dam or keep it. The decision process may take several years.
Are there any businesses you would not accept campaign donations from?
I would only accept campaign donations from individuals and business owners that share the same values that I have. I would not accept a donation from anyone or business that does not have the best interests of the community in mind.
Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?
Immigration laws are dictated by federal and state laws. St. Charles does not control immigration regulations and will abide by the laws in place. Regardless of the immigration laws at any given time, residents and all people, deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?
1. The decision to renew, or not to renew, the IMEA contract. We should thoroughly explore our options for our future energy needs. The city should engage experts in the renewable energy field to help us determine what is best for our community.
2. The development of the former St. Charles Police Station site on the Fox River. We should encourage community input and utilize a transparent process to develop the site. Community engagement and support are vital to make this initiative a success. I envision this to be a project that is modest in size, with public amenities and will complement the existing character of St. Charles.
3. The redevelopment of the former Pheasant Run and Charlestowne Mall properties. I would like to see both of these as mixed-use developments. The city needs to be actively engaged with the property owners and developers of both properties to make them successful.
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
These two goals go hand in hand. I would encourage that new and existing buildings follow LEED certification, whenever feasible, as it would help keep the utility bills as low as possible for the tenants and support long-term sustainability goals for the community. Redevelopments such as the projects at the Charlestowne Mall, Pheasant Run, and the former St. Charles Police Station site are great places where we have the opportunity to try new ideas using environmentally friendly and sustainable building ideas including energy efficiency and water conservation.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
Public transportation is provided in St. Charles by the PACE Bus service. Pace offers a regular bus service between Geneva and Elgin, using the #801 bus. It also serves as a reservation-based, shared-ride bus system.
I supported and approved the City of St. Charles Pedestrian and Bike Plan. This plan will enhance the connectivity throughout our community for pedestrians and bikers, with improved crosswalks, sidewalk gaps filled, and bike lanes identified to make it safer and easier to navigate around our community.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
The city council absolutely needs to be very supportive of our local businesses. We need to focus on our comprehensive plan to address our economic development. Responsible and reasonable incentives that bring businesses to St. Charles are important, and business retention is vital to maintain tax revenue. Our economic development director assists with business retention, growth and economic development. The St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce and The St. Charles Business Alliance also supports and promotes our businesses.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
My foremost public safety issue for our community is speeding vehicles in neighborhoods and on city roads. I would like to study additional traffic measures to help reduce speeding. We could add additional crosswalks and enhance existing crosswalks with audio so that all residents can safely navigate around the community. Implementing these improvements will make St. Charles a safer place to walk, bicycle, and drive.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
The City of St. Charles currently has an Equity and Inclusion Commission. This commission meets, shares ideas, and provides feedback on potential policies to make St. Charles a welcoming community for all. We encourage residents to participate in these discussions.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
I believe that all government officials have a duty to disclose any conflicts of interest. Transparency is essential in government. I have been advocating, and I will continue to advocate, for an ethics policy for the city that goes beyond the State of Illinois Statutes. With an ethics policy in place, we can require elected officials to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The Illinois State Board of Elections oversees enforcing policies such as this.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
My name and email address are available on the City of St. Charles website. I am always happy to talk to residents and appreciate their input and opinions. I can meet them in person at their residence, at city hall, or at the St. Charles Public Library. We can discuss their concerns, comments, and answer questions they might have.