Discussion at the Geneva Committee of the Whole Monday about Geneva Construction Company’s work last year suddenly veered into an unexpected topic: public piddling.
Third Ward Alderperson Dean Kilburg, whose turn it was to chair the committee meeting, asked company vice president Cass Price about the untimely tinkling.
“You had some subcontractors last year that were of concern to me because they were urinating out in front of my house,” Kilburg said.
Even before the burst of laughter, snorts and snickers died down, Kilburg – with an straight, deadpan face – followed up with: “I was wondering if you were going to address that?”
Kilburg lives in the 300 block of East Side Drive.
“I have to take some responsibility for that,” Price said. “I failed to get the Porta-Potty out there.”
Price said he would be sure to get the Porta-Potty out on the job sites for this year’s street program.
“Glad to hear that,” Kilburg said, his expression cool amid continued giggling.
Later, Kilburg said more than one subcontractor urinated outside on East Side Drive last summer.
Before the public urination discussion, Fourth Ward Alderperson Amy Mayer said one of the projects that didn’t get done in a timely way was the seed restoration of the parkways where the sidewalks were replaced.
“Were there any areas that didn’t grow back in properly after the sidewalk replacement last year?” Mayer said. “Should we bring that to your attention?”
Public Works Director Rich Babica said the city would follow up with the contractor.
“That’s typical of any other public works improvement project,” Babica said. “There’s a warranty period that my staff will go out and conduct an inspection and then follow up.”
Babica said following frequent litter complaints last year, his staff started counting the number of garbage bags at the beginning and end of the shifts.
“The old adage, ‘Trust but verify,’” Babica said.
Geneva Construction had $9,000 in liquidated damages last year.
Babica said it was because the company missed completion dates and extended the work period.
The committee unanimously recommended approval for a contract of more than $2.6 million for Geneva Construction to do the work for the city’s 2025 Street Improvements program, as the lowest responsible bid of four bidders.
The bid was more than $2.4 million, but a 10% contingency brought to a total of $2,649,186.54.
The project includes roadway restoration, drainage improvements, crack sealing, pavement markings and public parking lot improvements, officials said.
Geneva Construction Company in Aurora is also prequalified by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
The City Council will take final action on the contract.