As winter recedes and the air warms with the promise of spring, thoughts turn to sun-ripened tomatoes, zesty peppers and cucumbers right off the vine. The growing season is almost here and the St. Charles Park District can help turn thoughts into actions by way of its garden plot program.
“The community garden plot program provides an opportunity to those who may not have an option to garden at their own home due to shade or lack of space in a townhome or apartment,” said Cori Hedlund, registration supervisor for the park district.
Other gardeners may look to reserve a plot for a vegetable garden that doesn’t fit in their home landscape.
Two locations serve gardeners: 209 plots reside at James O. Breen Community Park and 268 at Primrose Farm Park. Plots come in varying sizes, with the largest, which measures 30 by 30 feet, available at Primrose. Smaller options include those 20 by 30 feet as well as 15 by 30 feet.
Gardeners with special needs are able to take advantage of raised beds that meet ADA accessibility requirements. Each location provides six raised beds, which measure 4 feet wide by 10 feet long. All beds are surrounded by accessible pathways and are in close proximity to a water spigot.
A garden plot can accommodate either annual plants or perennials.
“Perennial plots give the gardener the opportunity to cultivate plants that remain in the garden for more than one year such as strawberries, grapes, asparagus, rhubarb and raspberries,” Hedlund said.
Gardeners who rent an annual plot must use plants that do not overwinter, she said.
The park district does not mow or till perennial plots, but will till plots marked for annual plants in the spring as well as fall.
“Those who sign up for garden plots not only have the ability to grow fresh, seasonal produce but also establish relationships with fellow gardeners,” Hedlund said. “Some of our gardeners provide produce to the local food banks, which is such a wonderful service to the community.”
Plots are open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 1 through Oct. 30. It is recommended that those interested sign up as soon as possible as plots typically sell out.
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