Girls Cross Country: Kane County Chronicle girls cross country preview capsules

St. Charles North's Rachel Price (517) competes in flight 1 of the Girls 3A Lyons Township Sectional Oct. 31 in Western Springs.

The cross country season is underway. Here are previews of teams from around the Kane County Chronicle coverage area.


Coach: Chad Hillman

Top returners: Katrina Schlenker, sr; Lili Bednarek, jr.; Brooke Silbernagel, jr.

Key newcomers: Sasha Semanision, so; Olivia Gebhardt, fr.

Worth noting: It goes without saying that Schlenker, one of the state’s top distance runners every year she’s been in high school, will lead the way for the Bulldogs. Schlenker was the regional and sectional champion last season, on top of virtually every meet she had in the fall. To supplement her, Bednarek and Silbernagel return and are expected to provide a big boost after promising 2020 seasons – especially for Bednarek, who bounced back from injury late in the season.

“We will have a mix of returners who have a lot of big meet experience with some nice incoming freshmen that will challenge for our varsity team,” Hillman said.

Burlington Central

Coach: Vince Neil

Top returners: Corryn Kester, so.; Michaela Kruse, jr.

Key newcomers: Abby Burke, fr; Teagan Cathcart, fr.

Worth noting: Kester is coming off of a nice debut cross country season in which she took fifth in regionals. She also qualified for the state track meet in the 3,200 relay this past spring. Kruse is another good candidate for another season of growth. Burke, Cathcart and Olivia Sutton are three freshman that could contribute early.


Coach: Peter Raak

Top returners: Mckenna Mertes, jr; Sarah Hahn, so; Lily Ryan, sr.

Key newcomers: Lauren Verdecchia, so. Lila Storaasli, so.

Worth noting: The Vikings bring back a nice pack of runners from last year’s team that placed 13th at sectionals. Other than graduating Lauren Hasty, Geneva has a number of runners looking to grow after perhaps their first year on varsity, which includes Verdecchia and Storaasli. Mertes projects to be among their top runners, as does Hahn and Ryan to top off Geneva’s first seven.

“We have a good crop of sophomores that we will need to step up and continue to play a big role on varsity. Also with a small team, we will need to stay consistent and healthy with our training,” Raak said.


Coach: Doug Ecker

Top returners: Rose Dalall, jr.; Caroline Nosek, sr.

Key newcomers: Teaghan Hardy, fr.; Abigal Lechocki, fr.

Worth noting: The Knights graduated top runners in Mackenzie Egert and Olivia Franklin, but still bring back some pieces that bodes well for a program that won conference last year. Back are Dalall, who took fifth in conference and 12th at regionals. Nosek figures to be among Kaneland’s top three finishers on a given race.

St. Charles East

Coach: Bradley Kaplan

Top returners: Morgan Sandlund, jr.; Marley Andelman, so.; Eleanor Clark, jr.

Key newcomers: Abbie Harrington, fr.

Worth noting: The Saints had an extremely successful season last year, winning both conference and their regional as a team. After placing third at sectionals, they qualified for the unofficial state meet. Sandlund likely headlines their solid number of returners, as she took sixth at conference, fourth in regionals and ninth at sectionals. Right behind is Andelman, who took third in regionals.

“Our team is going to be building through the season coming off a later track season. We’re looking to compete well in our conference and when it matters come the IHSA postseason,” Kaplan said.

St. Charles North

Coach: Shari Hayes

Top returners: Rachel Price, sr.; Bella Dicrosta, sr.; Katherine Erickson, so.

Key newcomers: Camille Sabau, so; Norah Dorrance, fr.

Worth noting: Price has been the North Stars top runner, if not top three, the last number of seasons. Price earned second at regionals and third in conference last year. She’s back and will be among three seniors in Audrey Sheehy and Dicrosta to bring along a team largely consisting of underclassmen. Price, Dicrosta, Erickson, Dorrance and Sabau should round out their top five.

“We have a strong group of sophomores that will be fighting for those last few spots on our varsity,” Hayes said.

St. Francis

Coach: Scott Nelson

Top returners: Ava Swiatek, so; Leann Ringsrud, jr.; Alyssa Falco, jr.

Key newcomers: Diya Khatau, fr.; Charlotte Obrochta, so.

Worth noting: Swiatek, Ringsrud, Falco and Leah Gaul all qualified for the unofficial state meet last fall and will lead a strong group this season. In addition to solid state finishes, the Spartans were third in conference last year and will look to improve upon that. Obrochta had some varsity experience last year and will supplement, as will Khatau.

“We believe we can challenge for the conference championship this season. It is a strong conference from top to bottom,” Nelson said.