Village of Elburn purchases new drone for police department

The village of Elburn has purchased a drone for the police department. The new equipment will aid in searches and investigations.

Elburn has purchased a drone to assist in police searches and crash investigations, according to a news release from the Elburn Police Department.

The Kane County DUI Task Force assisted in funding for the drone by awarding the village a grant that covered the majority of the cost.

According to an email from police Chief Nick Sikora, the cost of the package, which included the drone, a case, extra batteries and a control board, was $9,200. The grant covered $8,700, so the village paid $500.

Officer Aldo Scudiero is a licensed drone pilot and a member of the Kane County Accident Reconstruction Team. He will use the drone when called out to accident reconstruction scenes, according to the release.

The police department also will have use of the drone to assist in searches for missing children or adults, as well as for crime scenes or crash mapping. According to the release, the technology can be extremely helpful when looking for a subject who may be in a cornfield or heavy brush covered area.

Residents are advised they may see Scudiero practicing with the drone in fields or open park areas around the village.