The St. Charles Police Department has announced road detours beginning tomorrow. Road closures are needed to accommodate two parades and the Fox Valley Marathon, all happening this weekend.
On Friday, Sept. 16, Main Street/Route 64 will be closed between Route 25 east of the river to 7th Street on the west side of the river for the St. Charles East Homecoming parade. Police will implement a detour route beginning at 12:45 p.m. through approximately 1:30 p.m.
- The detour route will direct those traveling west either north on Route 25 to the Red Gate Bridge or south to Illinois Avenue, then west across the river to 7th Street.
- Those traveling east will be directed either north on 7th Street to State Street, then east to Route 31 and north to the Red Gate Bridge, or south at 7th Street to Illinois Street, and then east across the river to Route 25.
- Those not attending the parade are encouraged to travel an alternative route.
On Saturday, Sept. 17, westbound Main Street/Route 64 will be closed briefly around 12:30 p.m. for a parade for Constitution Day. The parade will travel south on Riverside Avenue, then west across the Main Street Bridge to Route 31 where it will head north to the St. Charles Veterans Center in the 300 block of North 2nd Street/Route 31. Police will be on-site directing traffic.
On Sunday, Sept. 18, the Fox Valley Marathon returns for the annual run, and will impact traffic from 6:30 a.m. until about 3 p.m. Some roadways will be closed beginning Saturday, Sept. 17 for setup.
- South 1st Street between Illinois Street and Indiana Street will be closed beginning Saturday morning for setup in anticipation of the large event Sunday.
- Portions of the Illinois Street Bridge also will be closed beginning Saturday and lasting through the end of the marathon on Sunday.
- During the marathon, traffic down to one lane along Route 25 beginning at 7 am. Police officers will be on-site managing traffic. Runners will be in one lane of traffic, while vehicles will be traveling in the opposite lane under police control. The roadway will reopen at 1:30 p.m.
- Lastly, from 7 to 7:30 a.m., South 2nd Street/Route 31 will be closed between Prairie Street and Roosevelt Road as runners will be running on the road. Drivers will be directed to South 3rd Street during this time to continue south on 3rd Street.
Police encourage all drivers to allow for extra time getting to their destinations, or find alternative routes during these closures to avoid delay.