St. Charles seeking community input for new bicycle and pedestrian plan

The city of St. Charles is developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan that will give officials recommendations to improve walkability and cycling around the city, according to a news release.

The plan will incorporate feedback from the community and key stakeholders.

“Making St. Charles more walkable and bicycle friendly are consistent themes that come up when we ask residents what we can do to make St. Charles even better,” City Administrator Heather McGuire said. “We are fortunate to have an active downtown and beautiful pathways along the river. Improving access by foot or bicycle to these amenities and to existing trail networks will only add to the vibrancy of our beautiful city.”

Anyone who lives in, works in or visits St. Charles is invited to share their thoughts about improving pedestrian and bicycle transportation in the city. There are a few ways to offer feedback:

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan interactive map: The city has launched a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan website,, where you can pin your ideas on an interactive map. The map will be available through the end of this month.

Scarecrow Weekend Informational Table: Look for the Bicycle Plan table near the Scarecrow Weekend Information Booth from 1 to 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7. The public can learn about the plan and add comments to a map.

Contact form: Fill out the online form on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan website to send a message or comment.

The city is working with Civiltech Engineering to gather input and develop the plan. A public meeting is planned for the spring, according to the release.