League of Women Voters to host hybrid forum for Batavia Park District, school board candidates

Batavia school board candidates John Dryden, William "Bill" Gabriel, and Melanie Impastato gather Thursday during a League of Women Voters candidates forum at the Batavia Government Center. They are vying for three open spots. Mary Beth Nolan for Shaw Media

The League of Women Voters of Central Kane County is hosting a forum Thursday, Feb. 9, featuring candidates in the April 4 consolidated election for the office of Batavia Park District commissioner or for a seat on the Batavia District 101 school board.

The forum will be in person with an audience at 7 p.m. at Batavia City Hall, 100 N. Island Ave. The event also will be livestreamed and available for later viewing at my.lwv.org/illinois/central-kane-county and illinoisvoterguide.org.

According to a news release, each candidate will be allowed a one-and-a-half minute opening statement. After opening statements, each candidate will have an opportunity to respond to questions submitted in advance or asked by the audience.

Audience members’ questions will be reviewed by a team of LWV members for appropriateness and then shared with the moderator. Each candidate will be permitted up to one minute for each response. At the end of a segment, each candidate will have up to one minute for a closing statement.