GENEVA – In an electronic notice to the community, Geneva District 304 officials announced that students would return to five-day-a-week on-site education on April 5 after spring break, which is the week of March 29.
Last week the district received updated public health guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois State Board of Education, according to the notice.
This new guidance will allow the district to re-evaluate the hybrid schedule of the in-person model and prepare to expand the in-person model to five days a week, while maintaining a safe learning environment and minimizing disruptions such as a change in building or teacher assignment.
Based on this development, the task force has been refining plans to allow for K-12 students enrolled in the in-person learning model to return to five-day on-site education, in accordance with the most recent public health guidance.
The online-only learning model will continue to be in place for families that have chosen that option as well.
From now through March 26, the district will provide families with additional details regarding a transition to five-day learning for students enrolled in the In-Person Learning model.
The district may need to gather additional information from families depending on the learning model in which their children are enrolled.
Staff will work to prepare students, classrooms, materials, and facilities for a transition to five-day in-person learning.
Staff will review the most up-to-date learning model enrollment and further updates will be communicated by your child’s school.
And by April 5, all in-person students begin five-day learning in their buildings.
“We understand there will be many questions related to this development and remain committed to providing you with information as soon as it becomes available,” according to the statement.
In the coming days, the district will be sharing much more information about these plans and encourage families to stay tuned to 304Connects and the Back Together 304 website.
The message is signed by Superintendent Kent Mutchler, School Board President
Taylor Egan, Geneva Education Association President Kevin Gannon and Geneva Support Staff Association President Leann Enneking.