Kaneland D-302 board approves tentative budgets for 2023-24 school year

The Kaneland School District 302 board on June 26 agreed to approve budgets for the Fox Valley Career Center and Kaneland District 302 for the 2023-24 school year. Both budgets still are tentative.

Associate Superintendent Julie-Ann Fuchs said the Fox Valley Career Center’s budget is balanced with revenue exceeding expenditures by $11,620. Total expenditures are more than $2 million.

Fuchs said most of the career center’s revenue comes from tuition.

The Kaneland district’s tentative budget has an education fund of more than $60 million with about an $800,000 deficit. Transportation has more than $5 million with about a $637,000 deficit. Operation and maintenance has almost $9 million with about a $2.4 million deficit.

Fuchs said the capital projects budget has $2.7 million, which is about $700,000 more than last year.

She said the board will have to decide whether to pave the bus lot at Kaneland High School or get a new high school track or both. Fuchs said the board and administration will continue budget discussions in July.

Previously, Fuchs pointed out the bus lot was a safety issue. The high school track also has been called a safety issue by some Kaneland track parents and track athletes.

Fuchs’ report at the meeting explained the reason why the operating budget is expected to exceed revenue by $3.7 million.

“The deficit is primarily caused by an increase in salaries, benefits and capital expenditures,” according to the report.

The district also will have to pay $12.4 million in bonds in the next year. Fuchs expects the bonds will be paid off in 2029, which she said is six more fiscal years.

“We’re right on schedule for the budget calendar,” Fuchs said.

Before the board conducted business at the meeting, the board and administration had a moment of silence to honor staff member Lisa Campise, who died June 15.

Campise, 47, had been a school social worker for more than 20 years in the district, most recently at Harter Middle School for the past 10 years. Before that, she worked at McDole and Blackberry Creek elementary schools.

“Lisa will be missed,” Board President Addam Gonzales said. “Lisa, you will always be a Kaneland Knight.”