GENEVA – The Swedish Day Festival is celebrating its 111th year on Sunday at Good Templar Park, 528 Eastside Dr., in Geneva.
According to a news release, entrance is $5 for people ages 13 and over, while ages 12 and under are free. The event takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will feature active military and people in traditional Scandinavian costumes, as well as a traditional dance around the maypole and entertainment by Die Musikmeisters, Viking reannactors, Chicago Spelmanslag, Nordic dancers, a balloon man, kids crafts and more.
Swedish pancakes, meatball and herring dinners and sloppy joes will be available, as will Scandinavian vendors.
The release states that the first Swedish Day was celebrated in 1911. The idea was to provide an opportunity for Scandinavian immigrants to enjoy the traditional celebration of Midsommar.
Open to the public and attended by people of all nationalities, this festival still focuses on the Scandinavian celebration, the release states.
Viking ship tours and mini cottage walk tours will be available for an additional $5 each.