St. Charles Municipal Center to get splash of color this month

Will be installed Aug. 20

In a few weeks, the historic St. Charles Municipal Building in downtown St. Charles will get a splash of color as part of a temporary art installation.

The project is getting underway after being delayed a year because of the pandemic. Artist Amanda Browder will talk about the project during a presentation at 7 p.m. Aug. 12 in the Huntley Community Room at the St. Charles Public Library, 1 S. 6th Ave.

Seating is limited, go to to register. The project will involve draping a large scale fabric art piece over the south wall of the St. Charles Municipal Building.

The piece, comprised of smaller fabric pieces, is being sewn by community members. The sewing is being done through Aug. 18 at the Baker Memorial United Methodist Church in St. Charles. To register for a time, go to the St. Charles Art Council’s website at

Cotton fabric donations are also being accepted. The St. Charles Arts Council received a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts that is allowing Browder to come to St. Charles and coordinate the community fabric art project.

Browder was set to coordinate the project last summer, but it was postponed because of COVID-19. The project is set to be installed on Aug. 20.

There will be another chance to meet Browder during an art wrap party at 6 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Arcada Theatre complex. The party will also feature food, entertainment and a live auction.

Tickets are $110 per person and can be purchased at the St. Charles Art Council’s website at