Scientific illustrator and Water Street Studios instructor Kelley Cappell focuses her art on any facet of life, nature and people. “In the fall, I dedicate my art to Professional Pumpkin Carving,” she says. “With the help from my husband, Greg, we dedicate the entire month of October to open our home to the public for a display of over 150 hand carved artificial pumpkins.”
Ever since she was little, Cappell has thrown creativity and drive behind her art. “My artistic ability has always been with me,” she says. “My mom always encouraged me to create art, so I felt like anything is possible. I always try to do better than the last. But with that, as most artists know, not every piece we create is up to our standards. We have to forgive ourselves and know it’s all part of the process of bettering ourselves.”
Cappell has been an instructor at Water Street since 2016 and currently holds classes in pen and ink, alcohol markers and acrylic painting. She credits the studio as a source of inspiration and an incredible community for artists. “Truthfully, most of my inspiration comes from teaching my students at Water Street,” she says. “They give great ideas and feedback and encouragement in every lesson. A lot of my inspiration also stems from artists on Instagram. I challenge myself with new mediums and try to become the best I can be.”
In her work with Brookfield Zoo, Cappell utilizes her scientific illustrator certification to complete larger digital pieces. “Some were murals, some were billboards, but the most rewarding ones were the giant peek boards I got to digitally create,” she says. “Seeing families taking cherished photos and having so much fun was so heartwarming.”
This year, Cappell is challenging herself to create expansive charcoal drawings with a subject focus on women. Last year, she completed a realistic painting of a sea turtle, a piece she acknowledges as one of her favorite works thus far.
Cappell believes in the impact art has on the local community and beyond, recognizing it as a vital and intrinsic part of humanity. “I think we all have some sort of artistic ability even if it doesn’t sound like art,” she says. “Be it the painter, the writer, the composer, the photographer, the inventor, the engineer, the computer coder, the list goes on and on. Look around and you can find art in everything. As my father-in-Law is quoted as saying ‘Art is the answer.’”