YORKVILLE – Two contests have emerged for aldermanic seats on the Yorkville City Council in the April 4, 2023 election.
Malanda Griffin is challenging three-term incumbent Alderman Chris Funkhouser in Ward 3, covering the city’s northwest side.
Griffin ran for a seat on the Kendall County Board in the Nov. 8 election as a Democrat, but was not elected.
In Ward 4 on the city’s northeast side, three candidates have filed to run for the seat now vacated by Jason Peterson, who was elected to the County Board as a Republican.
On the first day of the candidate nominating petition filing period Dec. 12, Salvator “Sammy” Hall, presented his paperwork to City Clerk Jori Behland.
By the end of the week, Maryalice Lundquist and Russell “Rusty” Corneils also filed to run for the Ward 4 seat.
Mayor John Purcell is expected to appoint a replacement to fill the brief unexpired portion of Peterson’s term remaining until the April 4 election.
Purcell has filed to run for a second four-year term as mayor. No other candidate had filed to run for mayor as of 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 16. The filing deadline is Dec. 19.
On Dec. 14, Ward 1 Alderman Daniel Transier filed his petitions to run for reelection.
Ward 2 Alderman Craig Soling, who was appointed to the council a year ago, said he will be running for election in his own right and is expected to file his nominating petitions on Dec. 19.
The Yorkville City Council consists of eight aldermen with two each from four wards. Half of the council seats are up for election every two years.
Those not up for election in April include Ward 1 Alderman Ken Koch, Ward 2 Alderman Joe Plocher, Ward 3 Alderman Matt Marek and Ward 4 Alderman Seaver Tarulis.