Kendall County Sheriff issues advisory after taking report of a motorist attempting to impersonate cop on a traffic stop

Police siren/emergency lights

The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office took a report early Wednesday evening, Feb. 8, from a motorist who was pulled over on a traffic stop south of Yorkville by an individual who appeared to be impersonating a police officer.

In a statement, the sheriff’s office said the vehicle involved in the incident was described as an older, tan SUV, similar in style to a Chevrolet Tahoe with a loud exhaust and equipped with red and blue lights mounted in the front grill.

The incident occurred while the motorist was traveling westbound on Walker Road between Grove Road and Penman Road.

The sheriff’s office said the motorist passed the SUV which then activated its red and blue lights. The motorist pulled over, and the offending vehicle pulled over behind them. The SUV remained behind the motorist for 15 to 20 seconds before pulling out and driving past the motorist and continuing west on Walker Road. The SUV’s driver never exited the car and was last seen heading northbound on Route 47 near Ament Road.

The sheriff’s office said they wished to remind motorists that if they are unsure of the legitimacy of a traffic stop they can slow down, activate the vehicle hazard lights, and call 9-1-1 to confirm the traffic stop is legitimate before stopping.