New Oswego East High School football scoreboard to feature rotating digital display; installation set for summer

This is the proposed design for a new football stadium scoreboard at Oswego East High School. The blank spaces at the lower left and right corners of the display would be used for advertising. (Image provided by SD308)

OSWEGO – Spectators at Oswego East High School football games will have more than the action on the gridiron to attract their attention when the next season gets underway.

A new scoreboard with a rotating digital display, in addition to lighted numbers for the time, scores and other statistics, will be installed this summer.

The Oswego School District 308 Board of Education on April 11 approved a plan for acquiring and operating the scoreboard as presented by the administration.

There will be no cost for the scoreboard and ultimately it is expected to produce revenue for the district.

Promotions firm PowerAd will provide the scoreboard, to be paid for by the sale of ads that the company solicits.

Below the game statistics, the board will include the rotating digital display, which will be branded to the school, flanked by two static spaces for advertising.

Once PowerAd recoups the cost of the scoreboard, the contract allows for the company to continue selling advertising space, splitting the revenue 50-50 with the school district.

The district has approval rights to all advertising appearing on the scoreboard prior to display.