Oswego Police Department gains two new officers

Oswego Police Chief Jeffrey Burgner, right, introduces new patrol officers Manuel Banuelos, lef,t and Cayman Cherry, middle, during the April 18 Oswego Village Board meeting.

The Oswego Police Department has gained two new officers.

Patrol officers Cayman Cherry and Manuel Banuelos took the oath of office during the April 18 Oswego Village Board meeting. Oswego Police Chief Jeffrey Burgner introduced the officers at the meeting.

Cherry, 29, previously had worked at the Will County Sheriff’s Office as a correctional deputy.

“He’s come to us with experience from that prior job that he’ll be able to put to use here,” Burgner said.

Banuelos, 32, most recently worked as an electrician.

“That brings some interesting experience and I think it’s neat that you’re looking into a different career path,” Burgner said in addressing Banuelos. “I know this is something that you’ve been looking forward to do.”

Banuelos was born in Mexico and is bilingual “which is a great asset to have for a police department,” Burgner said.

Cherry and Banuelos will attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Police Training Institute for a 16 week academy and then will take part in a 20 week field training program.