Montgomery man charged with possession of child pornography

John Henry Bloodworth, 23, of the zero to 100 block of Shermead Road, Montgomery, is charged with two felony counts of possession of child pornography. He is no longer in custody after paying 10 percent of a $100,000 bond.

A Montgomery man has been charged with possession of child pornography after an investigation by the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office.

John Henry Bloodworth, 23, of the zero to 100 block of Shermead Road, Montgomery, is charged with two felony counts of possession of child pornography. He is no longer in custody after paying 10% of a $100,000 bond.

On Dec. 9, 2022, detectives from the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that an online user, alleged to be Bloodworth, was in possession of child pornography, according to a news release from the sheriff’s office. Detectives initiated an investigation into the tip.

Following their investigation, the Kendall County State’s Attorney’s Office charged Bloodworth, and on Aug. 2, a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was taken into custody Aug. 5 by sheriff’s deputies.

His next court date is set for Aug. 21.